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Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:22 pm

  • Genju


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Few Tweaks and tricks for your computer ! Empty Few Tweaks and tricks for your computer !

Few Tweaks and tricks for your computer !

SHARE KO LNG PO E2NG NALAMAN KO [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.] SANA MAKTULONG..


1. Stop Windows From Adding the Word "Shortcut" to Every Shortcut You Create!

A source of annoyance for many Windows users
is the ” – Shortcut” text that is added to the name of newly created
shortcuts, and every time you have to manually edit the shortcut and
remove that text. Wouldn’t it be great if there was a registry hack for

Most long-time geeks will remember that there was a hack for Windows XP,
and probably already know that the same hack works in Windows 7 or
Vista as well.

Notice the ” – Shortcut” added to my pidgin icon.

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Open up Start Menu and in the Search Bar type regedit.exe , and then browse down to the following registry key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurre ntVersionExplorer [click explorer]

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On the right-hand side you’ll find a key that is just called “link”,
with a default value of 1e 00 00 00. Open this key up and change the 1e
to 00 instead, leaving you with 00 00 00 00.

You’ll have to log off and then back on to make this change take effect.
Please note that this won’t affect existing shortcuts, only shortcuts
that you create from now on.

To change the setting back, just change back to the 1e value, log off and back on. [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

2..Make Windows 7 or Vista Log On Automatically

If you are just running a home computer for gaming or something
unimportant, you might not want to have to log in every single time you
reboot your computer. There’s an easy tweak that will let you autologin.

First, we’ll need to get to the Advanced User Accounts Control Panel to
get to this setting. I think there’s a registry tweak as well, but that
seems like too much work.

Type in netplwiz into the start menu search box, hit enter, and you’ll see this screen:

Note: If that doesn’t work, you can type in control userpasswords2 instead.

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Uncheck the box that says “Users must enter a user name and password to
use this computer”, and then hit Apply. You’ll see a username and
password box. Enter in the appropriate information here and hit OK:

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Note that these steps work perfectly on XP as well.[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

3.Temporarily Disable Windows Update’s Automatic Reboot in Win7 or Vista

So you’re in the middle of doing something important on your computer
when the “Restart your computer to finish installing important updates”
dialog comes up, and asks you to restart your computer.

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Type cmd into the start menu search box, Once at the prompt, just type in the following:

net stop “windows update”

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Don’t worry, the service will start right back up when you reboot your
computer, but at least you don’t have to deal with the restart dialog.[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

4.Create Shutdown / Restart / Lock Icons in Windows 7 or Vista

This tip is nothing new, and probably very old hat to most of the
advanced geeks reading this feed. I’ve been asked this question so many
times in the last month that I decided to finally just write it up for

First right-click on the desktop, choose New and then Shortcut.

In the shortcut location box, you’ll need to enter the correct command, which I’ve listed for you below.

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Shutdown Computer

Shutdown.exe -s -t 00

Restart Computer

Shutdown.exe -r -t 00

Lock Workstation

Rundll32.exe User32.dll,LockWorkStation

Hibernate Computer

rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll,SetSuspendState

Sleep Computer

rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState 0,1,0

When you’ve clicked next on the above dialog, you’ll be asked to name
the shortcut. Probably best to name it according to the right function.

After you click Finish, you should now have a new icon that you can
double-click to immediately shutdown, restart, or lock your computer.

Change Shortcut Icon

The default icon is really ugly, and if you want to have separate
shortcuts for each function you might want to change the icon.
Right-click on the icon and choose properties ,click the change icon

Note that you can drag them to your quick launch bar if you’d prefer to have them there.

And so ends the tale of the shutdown icons…[You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]

5.Add "My Computer" to Your Windows 7 / Vista Taskbar

I like to have the quickest access possible to folders on my desktop,
which usually means putting something onto the taskbar if possible. You
can add the Computer menu as a folder on the taskbar for the easiest
access to your drives. You could also use this tip for any folder you

To add a folder to the taskbar, just right-click on the taskbar and choose the Toolbars menu, and then click on New Toolbar.
Just find the folder that you want… in this instance we’ll select the Computer icon and then click on Select Folder.

Now you can see the Computer folder right there on the taskbar. If you
click the little arrows it will pop up and let you browse through all
your drives.

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6.Stop Windows Update from Hijacking the Sleep/Shutdown Button

As an avid user of the Sleep function on my laptop, I’ve been more than
irritated with Windows 7 or Vista’s habit of changing the Sleep/Shutdown
button into an “Install Updates and Shut Down” button whenever there
are updates from Windows Update.

After the last time I accidentally clicked this stupid button when I
just wanted to enter sleep mode, I decided to look for a solution.

Update: Windows 7 does the same thing to my Shutdown button, and this same registry hack fixes the problem.
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Manual Registry Hack

If you’d like to manually create this hack, you can open up regedit.exe
using the start menu search box and then browse down to the following
key, creating the key if it doesn’t exist.

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWind owsWindowsUpdateAU

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Add a 32-bit DWORD value called NoAUAsDefaultShutdownOption with a value of 1. No reboot should be necessary.

Now our Sleep button should be back to the way it was, but if you wanted
to use the Install Updates and Shut Down option, it’s still available
via the shutdown menu:

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yung may alam na nito okay lang din

Last edited by maw on Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : updated)

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