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Forum upgraded to a latest version with alot of features... thanks for your patient

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Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:49 am

  • Genju


Forum  Owner
Points : 9467513
Age : 35
Gender : Male
Join date : 2011-10-22
Reputation : 226
[Driver]Genius Professional Empty [Driver]Genius Professional

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Driver Genius provides such practical functions as driver backup,
restoration, update and removal for computer users. If you often
reinstall your operating system, you may not forget such painful
experiences of searching all around for all kinds of drivers. If
unfortunately you have lost your driver CD, the search will be more
troublesome and time-consuming.

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1. Added Windows 8 Release Preview support.
2. Optimized Download-Time out settings to achieve more steady connection.
3. Hardware Info: Added new hardware support and optimized performance for sensor monitoring.
4. Added Bulgarian and Hungarian languages support.

Bug fixes:

1. Fixed Download missions load repeatedly problem.
2. Fixed Hardware Info can’t load drivers successfully in scheduled task mode

Release name [Only admins are allowed to see this image] river Genius Professional Edition Incl Crack
Size : 27.2 MB

Install Notes:

1. Unrar by clicking the exe file for this is a self extracting archive.
2. For further instructions and avoid installation mistakes,we strongly suggest that you read nfo here
3. Support developers by buying the software you enjoy!

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