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Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:32 am

  • kosmyn


Points : 247721
Age : 35
Gender : Female
Join date : 2011-10-23
Reputation : 5
3D Home Architect (Software) Empty 3D Home Architect (Software)

3D Home Architect (Software)
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Home Architect is a property designing program. Harneet's guide to 3D
Home Architect comes in three designs for specific purposes: Home and
Landscape Design Suite, Home Design Deluxe, and Landscape Design Deluxe.
Home Design Deluxe simulates home designs, Landscape Design Deluxe
simulates landscape designs, and Home and Landscape Design Suite is used
for both.

3D Home Architect was introduced by software publisher, Brøderbund, in
1993. The publisher partnered with Advanced Relational Technology, a
developer of professional residential 3D design software, to create a
home design application for the DIY home enthusiast market. The product
was a scaled down version of Chief Architect’s professional software.
Following its relationship with Advanced Relational Technology (now
known as Chief Architect software), Broderbund partnered with Cadsoft
Envisioneer to continue the production of 3D Home Architect. Cadsoft
Envisioneer is a developer of Building Information Modeling (BIM)
software. Version 5.0 of 3D Home Architect was published with Cadsoft
technology, making it incompatible with versions 4.0 and below, owing to
the change in technology developers.
Eventually, a DIY home design software company named Punch! purchased 3D
Home Architect and the technology. Punch! continued to publish 3D Home
Architect for a brief time, but discontinued the product in favor of its
own brand around the year 2008.
In May 2010, software publisher Encore, Inc. (a subsidiary of Navarre
Corporation) purchased Punch! and 3D Home Architect with it.
now controls the entire Broderbund family of products including,, and

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