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Forum upgraded to a latest version with alot of features... thanks for your patient

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Wed Sep 19, 2012 10:42 am

  • kosmyn


Points : 247721
Age : 35
Gender : Female
Join date : 2011-10-23
Reputation : 5
Daemon Tools Pro Advanced 4.41 Full Version Empty Daemon Tools Pro Advanced 4.41 Full Version

Daemon Tools Pro Advanced 4.41 Full Version
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Tools (short for Disk And Execution MONitor tools) is a virtual drive
and optical disc authoring program for Microsoft Windows. It can be
acquired for free through the 'Lite' version, but the 'Pro Standard',
'Pro Advanced' and 'Net' versions are to be purchased.
DAEMON Tools was originally a successor of Generic SafeDisc emulator and
incorporated all of its features. The program claims to be able to
defeat most copy protection schemes such as SafeDisc and SecuROM. It is
currently compatible with Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and
Windows 8. DAEMON Tools has a special mode for proper operation of
copies of discs with advanced protection (SafeDisc, SecuRom and
LaserLock, CDCOPS, StarForce and Protect CD), which are used on some
discs with games.
The default file format of DAEMON Tools is Media Data eXtended (MDX).
MDX is a disc image file format similar to MDS/MDF images. It supports
all of MDS/MDF format features except that all data is in one monolithic
file only. The files of these types bear the filename extension of
MDX file contains metadata of original media - specifically the main
physical parameters of disc, such as layer breaks, sessions, tracks and
other. It could be described as being an archive file containing all
data from a CD/DVD. It also supports data compression. MDX file includes
the magic number "MEDIA DESCRIPTOR" at the beginning of the file.


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