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Tue Aug 28, 2018 2:56 pm

  • Genju


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[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Empty [TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5

In this tutorial we will show you how to create a hurricane effect in Photoshop CS5

1st Step: Create a New Document

[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Attachment
2nd Step: Reset the foreground and background into Black and White
[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Attachment
3rd Step:Now it's time to make some clouds.
Go to Filter/render/Clouds and then,lets apply some Differnce clouds filter

[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Attachment
[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Attachment
[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Attachment
4th step: After that,go to Filter/artistic/plastic wra[ and put the following settings
[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Attachment
[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Attachment
5th step: Now, lets apply the twirl filter:
[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Attachment
6th step: Set the angle to 450 and click OK.

[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Attachment
7th step: Then, lets add some Hue and Saturation. Put the following settings:

[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Attachment
8th step: Now lets create a new layer and apply the renders clound filter effect:
[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 2j0fsci
[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Dorldy
9th step: Add some Hue and Saturation as we did before:

[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 J10u1f
10th step: Set the layer Blending option to “screen”

[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 28vx57b
11th step: Now, Lets add some Brightness and contrast , and you are done
[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Dlozm1

[TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 27yv09

ENJOY HAVE A NICE DAY KASYMB [TUT]Hurricane effect using Photoshop CS5 Smile

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