Change background image

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Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:03 pm

  • Genju


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[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! Empty [TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink!

Step 1 Grab a beautiful portrait of Mona Lisa.

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! 1

Step 2 Drag the "Background" over the layer icon to duplictate the background.

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! Addedpart

Step 3 Select the "Background Copy" and enter Filter > Liquidify or (shift+ctrl+x).

Then select the Freeze Mask Tool (F)

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! 2

Step 4 With the Freeze Mask tool, carefully go around the eyes.

Use Thaw Mask Tool if you made any mistakes.
- Leave a little gap between the eye brows and the eyes for Warp tool.

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! 3

Step 5 Select Forward Warp Tool (W), and gently push down the eyes as shown.

- If you want winking, just push down one eye.

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! 4

Step 6 Press OK and escape the Liquidfy filter.

Use the Dodge Tool (O) for finishing touch.

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! 5

Step 7 Go back to Filter > Liquidify and use Forward Warp Tool as shown. - This is to give natural looks when the picture blinks.

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! 6

Left should be your original "Background", and "Background copy" at right.

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! 7

Step 8 Go to Window > Animation to make GIF animation.

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Step 9 Click "Duplicates selected frames" and turn the visibility off as shown.

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! 10

Step 10 Duplicate another frame and this time turn the visibility on.

Also set the delay time to 0.5 seconds.

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! 11

Step 11 Go to File > Save for Web & Devices and press save.

(make sure the preset is GIF)

[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! 12


[TUT] Make Mona Lisa Blink or Wink! MonalisaLONOY

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