Change background image

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Tue Aug 28, 2018 3:00 pm

  • Genju


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[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Empty [TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos!

Create impressive backdrop for photos

Step 1:
 Go to menu File> New and create a new image size 1280x1024 pixels, resolution 300 pixels / inch.Press the D key to turn the palette of the two default colors (black / white), press Alt + Delete to fill the entire background black. Step 2: Create a new layer, named Background 2 located on the Background layer.Fill the background color # 4E2835 to this layer.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0001_03771

Click the Add Layer Mask icon beneath the Layers palette to create a layer mask to the Background layer 2.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0002_fff74

Select Filter> Render> Clouds.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0003_9cda0

Select the Brush Tool with a soft brush (soft round).

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0004_42894

Create a new layer named Darker located on the same position, fill the four corners of the black image as shown below.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0005_1bc02

Step 3:
 Open the file girl portrait (download here ), use one of the select tool (Pen Tool, Magic Wand Tool, Magnetic Lasso) to select the white background around the girl, make sure you choose the white area between the arms and waist (click to add the Shift key when selecting).

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0006_66808

Press Ctrl + Shift + I to invert the selection (just take the girl). Press Ctrl + C to copy.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0007_87f4d

Return to the main image, press Ctrl + V to paste the image into the girl.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0011_ecbe6

Step 4:
 Do black background color so you will see the white border around the girl. To remove, select the Eraser Tool, turn stroking a white border to clear them up.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0012_f7961

After deleting it, you will get results as shown below.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0013_7da7c

Step 5:
 Double click the layer containing the girl (Layer 1), choose Blending Options, in turn set the parameters as shown below.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0014_be0e3[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0015_711d4[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0016_8678a


[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0017_cf116

Step 6:
 Create a new layer beneath Layer 1, named Dot.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0018_c4521

Select the Brush Tool with a soft brush (soft round), color code # 402F35, size about 5 pixels.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0019_dc297

On the Window menu> Brush. Set the parameters in Table Brush as shown below.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0020_c69f0[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0021_e715c

Next, you put the dots over the area around the girl.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0022_ee304

Similarly, you create a new layer, named Dot 2, dots dots over the area surrounding purple to create spillover effects.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0023_2298a

Place the cursor at Dot 2 layer, choose Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur, set the parameters as shown below.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0024_32add


[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0025_8ab28

Step 7:
 Create a new layer, named Mau 1 is located underneath the girl. Using the Ellipse Tool (U key) draw a yellow circle (color code # F1B014) at the position of her hand.

Similarly, you create a layer Mau 2 contains a red circle (color code # E3283D).

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0028_dbf9e

Mau circle on layer 3 is the color code # F5DCB4.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0029_ba55e

Finally, the blue circle (color code # 0098C9) corresponds to the Mau layer 4.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0030_10fe0

You rearrange the order of the circle below.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0031_c9683

Step 8:
 Turn create layer mask for the layer containing the circle, use the Brush tool with a large black brush strokes remove the intersection between the circles.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0033_fe9c4[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0034_e78c8[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0035_07816[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0037_62788

Similarly, you create the left circle in the opposite direction as shown below.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0038_a3c99

Step 9:
 Create a new layer above all other layers, named Mau Am, Fill the # B23E1B for this layer. Set the blending mode to Multiply and the sample layer Opacity to 45%.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0043_a57f3

Place the cursor at the position bordering sample layer and Layer 1, press the Alt key and click to create relationships for both father and son this layer.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0044_d10a4


[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0045_6179f

Step 10:
 Create a new layer on top, named Caro, fill this layer white.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0046_b29e0

Select Filter> Filter Gallery> Sketch> Halftone Pattern, set the parameters as shown below.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0048_077dc

You will gain caro black background as shown below.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0049_41a9d

Set the blending mode to Soft Light layer Caro, and Opacity 34%.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0050_30967


[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0051_7d536

Step 11:
 Place the cursor at Caro layer, click the icon circle black / white beneath the Layers panel, select Curves.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0052_2cc23

Set parameters from Curves as shown below.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0053_51f52


[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0054_f7018

Step 12:
 Create a new layer at the topmost position, use the Brush Tool with a soft brush orange (color code # DF882B), paint over her right shoulder.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0055_4c8f2

Set the blend mode to Linear Dodge, Opacity 80%.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0056_78a22

Similarly, you create a new layer, use the Brush Tool with white soft brush (color code # FFFFFF), paint over her left shoulder. Opacity 50%.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0057_68f21

Step 13:
 Select the Line Tool, 1px size, color code # FF9D56. Draw an angled line as shown below, select the blend mode to Color Dodge, Opacity to 80% for the layer containing the tilt.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0058_75acc[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0059_fb65c

Similarly, you create many different angled line.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0060_c3b00

Select all of the inclined layer, press Ctrl + E, use the Erase Tool tool with Opacity 75%, two bowl slightly inclined each way. Results:

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0061_72f5d

Step 14:
 Place the cursor at the layer containing the angled line, press Ctrl + J to duplicate this layer. Set the blend mode to Darker Color, Opacity 80% of the duplicated layer.

[TUT]How to Create impressive backdrop for photos! Hinh0062_83c65

The end result:

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